Believe You Can is the ethos of Polden Bower and the brand for our student enterprise company; we believe all of our students can contribute to enterprise. Enterprise is part of our careers programme that aims to prepare students for the world of work and adulthood.
The enterprise curriculum runs throughout the year, providing our students the opportunity to learn key functional skills such as working together, managing money, using their own initiative, building work ethic, presenting information, customer service and problem solving.
Profits generated provide student enrichment activities and contributes to our school fundraising appeal.
Products our students make include:
- Cards
- Sweet cones
- Hot chocolate cones
- Dog Treats
- Keyrings
- Badges
- Chutneys
- Jams
- plus so much more
Thank you for supporting our school.
We are always looking for opportunities to develop and enhance our work related learning and enterprise initiatives. Should you have any questions or suggestions please email Ryan.Parker@Poldenbower.org.uk